Our star product for this month is our N95 Facemask. Also called the FFP2 and FFP3, this is the choice for our team throughout our warehouses and offices, as we firmly believe it’s the best protection for our team and visitors from the COVID-19 virus and related aerosols.
There is an increasing volume of choice about which kind of face mask to wear, the information can be somewhat of a minefield and based on speculation as much as fact. In some countries the advice is changing on a regular basis.
In his video, the BBC’s Science Editor David Shukman explains the difference between the different masks available, and of all sources, we would agree he’s pretty credible!
The N95 facemask is the best grade of mask available. They have filters inside them to screen out aerosols, and some countries like Austria are making them a legal requirement in busy areas and on public transport. In Germany, the elderly have been handed them out to go shopping.
The N95 facemasks provide a closer fit than cloth or surgical masks. There are no gaps through which aerosols could sneak, which means the wearer and those around them should be safer. Although they are a lot more expensive, at Samuel Grant Packaging we believe that anything that keeps staff and guests from being at risk of this cruel disease has got to be worth it, so we are literally putting our money where our mouths are, and suggest our customers do the same.
View more of the BBC’s video on face coverings here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/health-55877540
To find out more about the N95 Facemasks we offer, contact sales@samuelgrant.co.uk or call us on 0113 2707221.