Hand Wrap from Samuel Grant Packaging

Manufactured on site in Cheshire, UK.

We have been rewinding pallet wrap hand film on our site in Cheshire for over 25 years, making us experts in our field. Significant recent investments in new machinery means that we have doubled our capacity and expanded the range that we can manufacture.

Producing pallet wrap hand rolls in the UK means that we can offer faster delivery times to our customers. We don’t rely on imports, so we mitigate the risks related to global disruptions and shipping delays. Quality control takes place at the point of production, ensuring that we meet customer expectations. Local manufacturing supports the British economy and reduces our carbon footprint.

Our flexible capabilities means that we can adapt to bespoke requirements and work with customers to provide the most efficient solution.

Hand wrap is available in cast or blown film, with extended or standard cores, in widths of 400mm or 500mm, using high quality film containing 30% recycled content.

Our new pre-stretched hand wrap offers the same stability, strength and security as traditional films while using 50% less plastic. We can reduce the material required per load and minimise the effort required to wrap a pallet, reducing the risk of strain or injury.


For more information, please contact your Account Manager, or send an enquiry to sales@samuelgrant.co.uk.

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